The magnificent and holy Sapphire, in all its celestial hues, is a stone of wisdom and royalty, of prophecy and Divine favor.

SAPPHIRE INTERNATIONAL GIRLS NETWORK is designed to enrich the lives of young ladies ages 8-25 [and young mothers], Empowering, edifying and teaching one to live life purposefully in spirit, soul and body through: Christian Education, Personal Development, Leadership Training, Entrepreneurial Skills, Etiquette Training & Mother-Daughter Activities.

Partner with us this Sapphire month (September) as we continue to enrich the lives of young girls in our community by sponsoring a crown. All proceeds to aid the advancement of Sapphire Intl. Girls Network.

**LOOK WHAT THE LORD HAS DONE!!! Sapphire International Girls Network Turns 10 We kicked off our 10th Anniversary Celebrations on Sunday May 5th, 2024 giving God thanks and Praise with the beautiful family of Life Changers Ministries under the leadership of Bishop Valentino & Pastor Dr. Cleopatra Williams. It was nothing short of a life-changing experience, as Bishop Williams dived into the series of *The Praying Church.

…I Still Love You” was the theme of our Mother-Daughter Retreat held on Saturday May 18th, 2024 in Freeport, Grand Bahama, The Bahamas at the Happiest Hotel Pelican Bay. This retreat was nothing short of an uplifting and empowering experience Hosted by Cheryl Knowles (S.I.G.N. President), Guest Speakers: Ladies Jasmine Dareus and Makara Russell. THANK YOU to all of our beautiful attendees who enjoyed a fulfilling afternoon of worship, prayer, profound impartation, love and smiles.
So much to share, so much more to learn, and much MUCH more LOVE to give. We give God all the glory for what He did in the midst of us. #MotherDaughterLove
Enjoy the Highlights below:


GRAND BAHAMA CHAPTER *Church Service | February 2024 at New Life Worship Center with Bishop Simeon Outten.

CONGRATULATIONS to our Sapphire Girls *Elise Jean (Freeport Chapter) and *Tracy Johnson (New Providence Chapter), for being selected as a 2023 Bahamas Primary Students of the year
We are proud of you and your accomplishments. Continue soaring to higher heights.


Rock Sound, Eleuthera, Bahamas Mission Trip #GirlsConference

We started our season in worship this morning at Bahamas Harvest Church (East Campus 10a.m. service), under the leadership of Pastor Mario Moxey. Praise and worship with Harvest Generation, and a beautifully delivered message by Elder Tiffany; she was


***2021 AWARDEES***

Recent Church Service:

- Counselling SessionsEveryone is unique in their own way, but we want to ensure your daughter becomes the best version of her self. If your “Counselling Sessions”
- Mothers Uplift *Loving Beyond FeelingsTHANK YOU for attending MOTHERS UPLIFT. We pray that your life was changed, your spirit was uplifted and you were empowered to Love Beyond Feelings. “Mothers Uplift *Loving Beyond Feelings”