Each Category is limited to 7 participants.
SPEECH TOPIC: The Queen In Me.
Your speech…
- Should not exceed 3 minutes (no less than 2 minutes)
- Must be original
- Must include a minimum of three scripture references (King James Version).
Your participant’s fee of $5 must be paid at the door.
You are to be seated by 10:45a.m.
You will be disqualified if any of the above rules are not adhered to.
Dress Code: Semi formal (Queen Wear/Church Attire)-includes dresses below the knee.
Scoring Criteria for the Speech Competition:
Content (50%)
Speech Development:
The contestants should know the material thoroughly and organize the ideas in sequence so that the audience can understand what they are saying. The speech should have a purpose and it should have identifiable introduction, body and conclusion. A good speech attracts the audience’s attention with the opening sentence and captivates their enthusiasm to the conclusion.
They should give proper credits to the sources of their information.
The contestant must deliver her speech as effectively as possible. The
contestant should consider how she can relate to the audience. The contestant must try to
convince the audience of the soundness of her arguments. The contestant must win over
the audience and the judges to her side.
Speech value:
The speech should be meaningful and authentic and The listeners
should feel empowered after listening to the speech.
Delivery (30%)
Physical appearance: The contestant must dress appropriately. She must exhibit
confidence so as to deliver an effective speech. The body language should strengthen the
speech, demonstrating different facial expressions, gestures and body positioning.
Voice: While delivering the speech, the voice should be flexible, easy to move from one pitch
to another. The voice should be clear, so that the words can be easily understood.
Manner of Delivery: This will indirectly reveal the true state of the speaker. The speaker
should speak with confidence and must show interest in her audience.
Language (20%)
Appropriateness refers to the choice of words that is related to the purpose of the
speech. The language used – cliche phrases should give a clear picture of the thoughts being expressed.